Farmacia Zarotto logo
Per informazioni e prenotazioni chiama il +39 0521 240248


Unified booking center for specialist visits in Parma

The Zarotto Pharmacy offers well-stocked departments and is also open on Saturdays. We rent baby scales and breast pumps, carry out blood self-tests (total cholesterol, lipid panel and blood sugar), Ecg, Holter pressure, SPID activation, rapid strep swab, blood pressure measurement, earring piercing and we are a unified booking center (Cup). We are equipped with a vending machine. We are located in Strada Zarotto 62/d, in Parma.

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Sede e recapiti

Strada Zarotto, 62/D
43123 Parma (PR)
39 0521 240248

Opening hours

Mon - Fri
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Metodi di pagamento

Contanti, bancomat, carte di credito
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