Farmacia Zarotto logo
Per informazioni e prenotazioni chiama il +39 0521 240248


We offer various services to our customers

Our pharmacy has extremely well-stocked departments, capable of satisfying any of your needs. We are open every day, including Saturdays, offering you a wide range of medicines, vitamins, children's and baby items.
Our staff is always available to provide you with information on the products on sale, as well as to assist you in a professional manner regarding blood pressure measurement activities, Cup reservations, Ecg, blood pressure Holter, Spid Lepida activation, earring piercing, self-analysis, breast pump rental and baby scales, rapid oropharyngeal swab for strep and numerous other services for your health. Come to the pharmacy to take advantage of our valuable advice.

Auto-test rapido dello streptococco

In the pharmacy you can rent baby scales and breast pumps, perform self-blood tests, blood pressure measurement, weight and blood pressure measurement.
We also provide rapid testing for Beta-Hemolytic Streptococcus type A, a recommended treatment if you have a sore throat, possibly with fever and white plaques.
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Prenotazioni CUP e visite ambulatoriali

Presso la nostra farmacia puoi richiedere assistenza e consulenza su misura ai migliori nutrizionisti e fisioterapisti di Parma, fissando un appuntamento per via telefonica o recandoti in sede. Puoi altresì usufruire di analisi computerizzate del capello, prenotazioni CUP e visite ambulatoriali, avvalendoti della nostra esperienza nel settore e della nostra proverbiale professionalità.
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